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Good points, thank you for this article. I'd like to add one more reason to question whether we should measure mood: resilience.

As you pointed out, there is relevance to noticing our internal emotional landscape. However, sometimes when people observe a particular emotion or mental state, they become fragile because of it. They let that emotion or mental state become stronger than they are. Instead of realizing "I'm uncomfortable now but I can cope and it will pass", people get overwhelmed by that emotion.

There are so many people suffering from mental health issues now and I feel like we're stuck in a chicken-and-egg cycle: modern life creates mental health issues and mental health issues create modern life. But at some point, each person has to find their way to interrupt that cycle. I think that confidence in one's resilience is one part of that interruption. I'm not convinced that measuring one's mood helps build resilience but instead, solidifies one's sense of fragility.

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